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untuk memperbaiki in a sentence

Example sentences included in the dictionary:
  • 3 hari untuk selamanya    That year she produced " 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya " ( " 3 Days for Forever " ); the film's soundtrack was produced by Float, another band on Miles Music.
  • kisah klasik untuk masa depan    Sheila on 7 is the first ever band in Indonesia with their first 3 albums sold more than 1 million copies in Indonesia only, with " Kisah Klasik Untuk Masa Depan " ranked # 8 on the list o...
  • nada untuk asa    "Nada Untuk Asa " led the nominations with eight, with " Cahaya Dari Timur : Beta Maluku " and " Di Balik 98 " followed with six nominations each . " Cahaya Dari Timur : Beta Maluku " was ...
  • satu untuk berbagi    "Satu Untuk Berbagi " was listed in # 1st rank by Rolling Stone Indonesia as the best studio album released for 2011. "Venomous " was listed # 3rd rank after Satu Untuk Berbagi and Jemima ...
  • surat untuk bidadari    Nugroho also mixes historical footage with staged scenes in several of his movies, including " Surat Untuk Bidadari " and " Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja ". To date, his second and third...
  • untuk negeri kita    At matches, Penang fanatic fans sing chants such as " Haria Penang Haria ", " Sehati Sejiwa " which means " One Heart, One Soul " and the state anthem " Untuk Negeri Kita ", which means " ...

How can I put and write and define untuk memperbaiki in a sentence and how is the word untuk memperbaiki used in a sentence and examples? untuk memperbaiki造句, untuk memperbaiki造句, 用untuk memperbaiki造句, untuk memperbaiki meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.